Diva the Dog - Clara Saito

2018 | HD | Stereo | 28m

DIVA is a dog. The dog is Clara performing DIVA for one month. During this month caretakers could subscribe to take DIVA for a walk to places of their choice or welcome the animal in their homes. During the project a camera followed the animal in its everyday life. For this lecture-video-performance Clara and Diva share the space and discuss sticks, holes and a possible search for happiness.

Concept and Performance- Clara Saito

Camera & Sound-
Deniz Buga

christopher tym
Clara Saito
Deniz Buga
Matias Daporta

Sound Design-
Alexandra Av

christopher tym

Animals Day 29-
Nova Lopes
Tiana Hemlock-Jense

© Clara Saito 2018