Reorienting The Fall

2020 | HD | 5m

In their first experiment together choreographer Elisa Zuppini and visual artist christopher tym investigate the relation between a body and a camera in motion.

As these two bodies amplify and inform each other’s movements, they begin to produce an altered sense of a moving environment between them, something beyond representation of the human body and its surroundings - they become extensions of each other. There’s a sense of free fall in this relationship, there is no up or down and that all movement has the potential to be destabilised and reoriented in multiple directions simultaneously.

The video is split into four chapters —
1.Limbs & Joints
4.Combined Articulations

Director: christopher tym
Choreographer: Elisa Zuppini

A collaboration initiated by Jacuzzi
Filmed in Ascoli Piceno
Supported by Mondriaan Fonds

Premiere at Cinedans Festival, Amsterdam 2021

Currently Screening EIVV Encontre Internacional de Videodansa i Videoperformance, 2022

© christopher tym &
Elisa Zuppini 2020

Multi Multi

2018 | 4-Channel Video | 1hr Loop  

Multi Multi is a 1 hour self-perpetuating performance with 16 performers. The performance is written as a score, each person is given a phrase / instruction, they do not know what anyone else’s instruction is so each performer performs a part without understanding the whole. It serves as an isolated multitude that recreates care, antagonism, support, action, synchrony, exhaustion, friction, mimicry, observation and joy.

This Unfolded View shows all synchronised cameras in the space. The two screens on the left show one side of the room. The two screens on the right show the other side of the room.

The multi screen set up shows the performance in real time, as the performers run from one side of the space to another they cross from one screen to another. The recording and the installation were both created inside Marwan where the space is compacted onto the screen and the viewer can see themselves standing where the performers were. The viewer becomes into the narrative as they walk round the space seeing the action unfold.

Performers —
Anastasiya Halauniova, Anne van Duuren, christopher tym, Claudio Zaia
Filippo Bertoni, Hannah Carpenter, Ish Gone, Jorritt Smit, Justine Laurent, Kajetan Uranitsch, Macu Matute, Nastasja Roels, Sophia Seawell, Tea Teearu
Cameras -
Elisa Grasso, Konstantin Guz
Thanks —
Tirza Kater & Tim Mathijsen
Exhibited at Marwan Project Space 2018

Supported by Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst.

Para Para - The Caring Group

2022 | HD | 2:1 | 3m

Publicly performing and staging intersubjectivity: An extract of research and experimentation from The Caring Group, a trio consisting of experimental theatre makers Laia Alberch & Georgina Latre and visual artist christopher tym. 

The Caring Group emerged out of a need to explore new frameworks of artistic research by combining and experimenting with formal approaches from backgrounds in theatre and visual art. This, in turn became a self-initiated residency (in S'Agaro, Catalonia) in which the group could collaborate and share knowledge to find new articulations between the performativity of the performer, the camera, and the viewer. The relation between these paradigms was the primer to explore intersubjectivity as a medium; the common goal was to find new forms of relationality by using rigid structures of mediation (rule-sets, fixed frames, looped narratives, travelling sound) to blur the boundaries of these outlined paradigms and feed these embodied knowledges back into each other's practices.

Performers - Laia Alberc, Georgina Latre
Director - christopher tym

Premiered at L'Alternativa Film Festival Barcelona

Next Screening Short Circuit FilmsFabrica, Brighton UK

© The Caring Groung 2022